Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) Hacked!

Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) – San Diego based MMORPG publisher Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) has suffered another blow(SOE was hacked) just weeks after Sony Playstation Network (SPN) suffered from an attack. Adding to the dilemma, Sony reported that approximately 24.6 million more accounts may have been stolen, in addition to the 12,700 credit or debit card thefts reported yesterday.

A new Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) press release says that personal information including names, addresses, email addresses, login names, and hashed passwords has been illegally acquired by hackers. Another 10,700 direct debit records were pilfered from accounts in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, and Spain, including bank account numbers and the information mentioned above.

SOE plans to compensate consumers with 30 days of free subscription time as well as an additional day for each day its systems are down. The company will also provide "a complimentary offering to assist users in enrolling in identity theft protection services and/or similar programs."