Tuesday, September 7, 2010

PS3 Update 3.42: Firmware mandatory

PS3 Firmware mandatory update 3.42 - PS3 Firmware mandatory update 3.42 is now available for download. The PS3 firmware update 3.42 does not add any functionality to your system apart from the standard "system software stability" area, but it will be required if you want to continue accessing the PlayStation Network or the PlayStation Store.

Some people speculate that the PS3 3.42 update might be a response to the jailbreak tool that made headlines recently. The tool shocked a lot of people as Sony had always played a lot of resources into keeping the PlayStation hack-proof.

The PS3 jailbreak tool enables users to put games directly onto the hard drive with the use of a USB device. Now Sony has issued the mandatory firmware update 3.42 which of course a lot of people suspected would be coming. It’s only a short while since the release of 3.41 and according to Joshua Harris over on World Gaming Network, the new firmware removes the ability to use these jailbreaking devices.