Saturday, December 12, 2009

Arkham has moved: Arkham Asylum 2 Announced

Arkham has moved: Arkham Asylum 2 Announced! Batman: Arkham Asylum rejoice as Arkham has moved announced the sequel Batman: Arkham Asylum 2. During the 2009 Spike Video Game Awards, The Joker took the stage to announced the sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham Asylum 2.

Boasting itself as “the sequel”, the sequel is being development at Rocksteady Studios, who’s the developer of the first title. Featuring crime-ridden city streets, the trailers depicts The Joker in a convoluted state caused by the ending events of Arkham Asylum. The trailer didn’t go into much detail about the game, but it did quarry at the escape of the inmates into Gatham City with The Joker as the master mind behind the chaos. But, other then that, the trailer didn’t reveal anything about the sequel.

Batman: Arkham Asylum is an action-adventure stealth video game based on DC Comics’ Batman for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. It was developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Eidos Interactive in conjunction with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Comics.

Wiki reports that the game received extremely high praise from critics, earning a 92% average on GameRankings, a game aggregator. This also earned it a spot in the Guinness World Records for “Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game”. Sales were also high, selling over 2 million copies within its first two weeks of its console release.

Arkham has moved: Batman Arkham Asylum 2

Batman: Arkham Asylum sequel Arkham Asylum 2 Teaser trailer

Google Nexus One Phone!

Google Nexus One Phone! Google Nexus One Phone revealed and it will be developed by HTC for Google. This was confirmed by sources and was posted on Wall Street Journal a couple of hours ago.

Instead of a carrier like Verion/AT&T/Sprint offering this phone, Google is going to be offering it unlocked, and you will have to set it up with a carrier on your own.

Reports say that the Google Nexus One Phone is thinner than the iPhone, it has no physical keyboard, and runs on a snapdragon chip but these details are not confirmed yet.

The Nexus One will be featured with the Google Android OS 2.1, and, unlike the other Android phones on the market, the user experience was ENTIRELY designed by Google. Now the rumors are swirling as to when the phone will be launched, but there is speculation that it will be available in January 2010.

Google Nexus One Phone Specs
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 1 GHz ARM CPU
  • High resolution OLED display
  • Around $500 USD
  • GSM with possibility of UMTS (3G) on AT&T and T-Mobile
  • Voice-to-text dictate feature
  • Capacitive touch screen & on-screen keyboard

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) Release Date and Time

Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) Release Time! Many game lovers are eager to know the release time of the new L4D2 Game. Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) from Valve is the sequel of Left 4 Dead. In 2008 Left 4 Dead was the most successful game. Left 4 Dead 2 is releasing today in North America and it will be released worldwide within this week.

Left 4 Dead sequel is based on the consequences of the zombie apocalyptic pandemic. Coach, Ellis, Nick, Rochelle are the four human survivors with one other survivor which will be the player of the game. The mission in the game is to reach the end of a map. Like in most of the sequels there are some attributes that has been changed in L4D2 as the survivors are more aware about the environment as they try to accomplish the mission.

There are some new features included in the game which really make L4D2 a superb game to play. Better scoring, strategic changes, special infected side are the features included in th game. The best one is multiplayer mode. In gas mode survivors try to get tin gas cans while the infected stops them.

There are also some sequences in the game which really are outstanding. In Hard Rain Campaign, survivors have to enter the town for diesel fuelling while in the meantime weather changes with day turns into night so as wind and rain causing difficulties for the survivors. These changing effects really makes the quality of the game.

In those four survivors Ellis is the youngest and best character. Well there are some parts which may not be appreciated like Left to Die By. A sequence Al where only multiplayer can play and in some sequences the frame rate is slow mostly in the Xbox 360 version. Apart from these, still L4D2 is a game which really is wonderful fun to play.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Verizon Hub discontinued by Verizon!

Verizon Hub discontinued by Verizon! Its true guys, Verizon has decided to discontinue selling the Verizon Hub.Verizon entered the Voice over IP business earlier this year with the Verizon Hub, which had far loftier ambitions than simply replacing your landline. The Verizon Hub offers weather and time widgets, a calendar system, traffic information, a family bulletin board, and even support for streaming video clips from V Cast. The Verizon Hub promised to be a one-stop-shop communications center for your home.

But sadly, the Verizon Hub just wasn't successful. The hardware was expensive, $200 for the Hub and $80 for additional cordless handsets and that’s not it, the service was an additional $35 a month. Perhaps there was a failure in marketing the product to the mainstream. Nevertheless, Verizon has decided to discontinue selling the Verizon Hub. But Verizon says they will still provide service and support to existing Hub customers.
RIP Verizon Hub!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Sims 3 Cheat Codes

The Sims 3 Cheat Codes! Here are The Sims 3 Cheat Codes that you can use when playing The Sims 3. Activating and using The Sims 3 cheat codes in the computer video game on PC is very simple. There are no files to edit, no special shortcuts to create, and no need to download a trainer for the game. All you need is a PC and The Sims 3 video game.

The Sims 3 cheat codes are entered as codes into the console. Display the console by pressing the following key combination: CTRL + SHIFT + C

Then enter one of the following cheat codes and press Enter to activate the code.

Cheat Console:
During gameplay press [ctrl]+[shift]+C to open the cheat console and enter the following cheats:

  • Kaching - 1,000 more Simoleons
  • Motherlode - 50,000 more Simoleons
  • moveObjects [on or off] - Hand tool can move any object in buy and build modes
  • testingCheatsenabled [true or false] - testing cheats on objects
  • constrainFloorElevation [true or false ] - Allows terrain adjustments regardless of objects/Sims/etc on them
  • disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] - When on, ojects will not snap to slots while holding ALT
  • enablellamas [on or off] - unkown result
  • fadeObjects [on or off] - Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them. Does not affect Sims
  • fullscreen [on or off] - Turns on / off fullscreen
  • hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] - Shows or hides talk/thought balloons above Sim heads
  • jokePlease - Prints a random joke to the console
  • moveObjects [on or off] - Removes limitations for placing / moving objects
  • quit - Exits the game
  • resetSim - Returns Sims to a safe, neutral state at their home location
  • slowMotionViz <0-8> - Puts visuals in slow motion. 0 = normal, 8=slowest. Does not affect the speed of time in-game
  • unlockOutfits [on or off] - This must be entered before going into CAS. Shows career outfits and service uniforms
  • testingCheatsenabled [true or false] - Enables testing cheats

Entry Location:
Console (C+Shift+CTRL)

Hit the buttons C+Shift+CTRL to enter the following code:

Motherlode - 50,000 Simoleans

Add 1,000 More Simoleons
Sims 3 Cheat code: Kaching
Note: This code will simply add 1,000 Simoleons.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type Kaching, and press Enter to activate the code.

Add 50,000 More Simoleons
Sims 3 Cheat code: Motherlode
Note: This code will simply add 50,000 Simoleons.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type Motherlode, and press Enter to activate the code.

Add Family Funds
Sims 3 Cheat code: familyfunds [Familyname] #
Note: The use of this code, with the family name as the modifyer and an amount as a variable, will add the given number of funds to the Sim family.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type familyfunds mysimsfamilyname
100000, and press Enter to activate the code.

Enable Testing Cheats
Sims 3 Cheat code: testingCheatsEnabled [true or false]
Note: When this code is set to true the game essentially goes into debug mode. When this cheat is active you can modify needs, lock needs, shift-click the mailbox to change careers and more.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type testingCheatsEnabled true, and press Enter to activate the code.

No Limitations on Moving Objects
Sims 3 Cheat code: moveObjects [on or off]
Note: This code allows you to move objects that are normally stationary.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type moveObjects on, and press Enter to activate the code.

View Career Outfits And Service Uniforms
Sims 3 Cheat code: unlockOutfits [on or off]
Note: This cheat code must be entered before you go into create a sim mode.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type unlockOutfits on, and press Enter to activate the code.

Display Cheats
Sims 3 Cheat code: help
Note: This code simply displays a list of cheat codes that can be used in the game.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type help, and press Enter to activate the code.

Return Sims To Safe And Nuetral State At Home
Sims 3 Cheat code: resetSim [first name] [last name]
Note: This code will return the Sim that you name within the code to a safe and nuetral state at home.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type resetSim Jane Doe, and press Enter to activate the code.

Allow Terrain Adjustments
Sims 3 Cheat code: constrainFloorElevation [true or false]
Note: The normal setting for this is true. If you enter this code with the false variable then you will be able to raise or lower the floor, even if there are walls, flooring, and other objects attached to it.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type contrainFloorElevation false, and press Enter to activate the code.

Objects Will Not Snap To Slots While Holding Alt
Sims 3 Cheat code: disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off]
Note: When this code is set to on objects will not snap to slots while holding the Alt key.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on, and press Enter to activate the code.

Objects Fade When Camera Gets Close To Them
Sims 3 Cheat code: fadeObjects [on or off]
Note: The use of this code, either on or off determines if objects will fade as the camera gets close to them. This does not affect Sims.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type fadeObjects on, and press Enter to activate the code.

Show or Hide Talk and Thought Balloons Above Sim's Head
Sims 3 Cheat code: hideHeadlineEffects [on or off]
Note: When set to off you will not see the talk or thought bubbles above Sim's heads.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type hideHeadlineEffects on, and press Enter to activate the code.

Print Random Joke To Console
Sims 3 Cheat code: jokePlease
Note: Typing in this code will simply display a random joke within the cheat console.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type jokePlease, and press Enter to activate the code.

Slow Motion Visuals
Sims 3 Cheat code: slowMotionViz [0-8] (0 is normal, 8 is slowest)
Note: Use of this code with a setting greater than zero will slow down the visuals within the game. This does not affect the in game time.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type slowMotionViz 6, and press Enter to activate the code.

Full Screen Mode
Sims 3 Cheat code: fullscreen [on or off]
Note: The use of this code simply determines if The Sims 3 should run in fullscreen mode or not.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type fullscreen on, and press Enter to activate the code.

Frames Per Second Display
Sims 3 Cheat code: fps
Note: The use of this code will display the framerate that the game is running in the top right of the screen.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type fps, and press Enter to activate the code.

Quit The Game
Sims 3 Cheat code: quit
Note: Use of this code will simply exit The Sims 3 video game.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type quit, and press Enter to activate the code.

Enable Llamas
Sims 3 Cheat code: enablellamas [on or off]
Note: Almost certain that this code does nothing to the game.
Example code entry: Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, then type enablellamas on, and press Enter to activate the code.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Conficker.c or April fools worm expected to strike on April Fools day

Conficker.c, conflicker worm, conficker virus, april 1 virus or some call it as april fools worm has been dominating the internet for days now. Maybe because April 1 is fast coming and they say that the virus will attack on this date. So lets dig deeper into it and know more about this very famous and scary virus.

What is Conficker.c and what do analysts fear it may do?

Conficker.c is a worm, a malicious program thought to have already infected between 5 million and 10 million computers.

Those infections haven't spawned many symptoms, but on April 1 a master computer is scheduled to gain control of these zombie machines, said Don DeBolt, director of threat research for CA, a New York-based IT and software company.

What happens on April Fools' Day is anyone's guess?

The program could delete all of the files on a person's computer, use zombie PCs -- those controlled by a master -- to overwhelm and shut down Web sites or monitor a person's keyboard strokes to collect private information like passwords or bank account information, experts said.
More likely, though, said DeBolt, the virus may try to get computer users to buy fake software or spend money on other phony products.

Experts said computer hackers largely have moved away from showboating and causing random trouble. They now usually try to make money off their viral programs.

How does the Conficker.c or april fools worm work?

Conficker.c imbeds itself deep in the computer where it is difficult to track. The program, for instance, stops Windows from conducting automatic updates that could prevent it from causing damage.

The program's code is also written to evolve over time and its author appears to be making updates to thwart attempts to neuter the worm.

Who wrote the Conficker.c program?

It's unclear who wrote the program, but anti-work researchers -- a group calling itself the Conficker Cabal -- are looking for clues.

First, they know that some recent programs have come from Eastern European countries outside the jurisdiction of the European Union, said Patrick Morganelli, senior vice president of technology for Enigma Software.

Worm program authors often hide in those countries to stay out of sight from law enforcement, he said.

In a way, the Conficker Cabal is also looking for the program author's fingerprints. DeBolt said security researchers are looking through old programs to see if their programming styles are similar to that of Conficker C.

The prospects for catching the program's author are not good, Morganelli said. "Unless they open their mouth, they'll never be found," he said.

So, the most effective counter-assault simply may be damage control.

How can I tell if my computer's infected with the Conficker.c / april fools worm?

One quick way to see if your computer has been infected is to see if you have gotten automatic updates from Windows in March. If so, your computer likely is fine, DeBolt said.

Microsoft released a statement saying the company "is actively working with the industry to mitigate the spread of the worm."

Users who haven't gotten the latest Windows updates should go to if they fear they're infected, the company's statement says.

People who use other antivirus software should check to make sure they've received the latest updates, which also could have been disabled by Conficker.c.

How did the worm evolve?

The first version of Conficker -- strain A -- was released in late 2008. That version used 250 Web addresses -- generated daily by the system -- as the means of communication between the master computer and its zombies.

The end goal of the first line was to sell computer users fake antivirus software, said Morganelli.
Computer security experts largely patched that problem by working with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers to disable or buy the problematic URLs, he said.

A second variant, Conficker.b, was released in January and infected millions more machines.
The Conficker, strain C, will generate 50,000 URLs per day instead of just 250 when it becomes active, DeBolt said.

What is being done to fight Conficker?

Members are searching for the malicious software program's author and for ways to do damage control if he or she can't be stopped. They're motivated in part by a $250,000 bounty from Microsoft.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pokemon platinum action replay codes that can help you move forward in the game

Looking for pokemon platinum us action replay codes, pokemon platinum ar codes, pokemon platinum action replay, pokemon platinum usa action replay codes or a pokemon platinum cheats? You are at the right place...

Pokemon Platinum ( English Version ) Rotom Codes !

Press L+R And A Rotom Will Appears At 1st Slot Box 18 !!
Species : Rotom
Nickname : Panasonic
Gender : None
Shiny ? : Yes
Level : 100
Ribbons : All
Attack : 199
Defense : 227
Sp.Atk : 289
Sp.Def : 253
Speed : 309

Contest Stats Maxed Too ^ ^
Wonder Guard : Only Super Effectives Move Can Hit Him.
Volt Tackle
Luster Purge
Codes :

94000130 FCFF0000
B2101140 00000000
E001DE34 00000088
410B7D96 2A900000
124A89B5 D66BF6E0
3523CC94 BB44A4A9
E95B00AC 32867A68
A18FBB10 9570B5B4
0A7E359C A4E84071
9471D629 46C8095F
D0B873E7 F672C347
5AAB417F 3025C707
61D7D033 96C329CA
B523EF8C 2BDB6017
C073CDA2 938B3D1E
D1E1AD47 E71C6FD8
21012D3B 20FC97FD
99E2CA32 5B07A297
4C9EA0C8 2BFA71D7
D2000000 00000000

Note : For USA Version Only !!

Legit ev trained giratina

Press L+R to activate here is the code
94000130 FCFF0000 B2101140 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC 8A35CD3C 922D0000 DD10A9A7 BC679F16 CB87F5F0 7A376045 25F19842 2D41DC9D AD58C74D 056B4CF3 5326B724 90783858 1E1AB66D 136419FA C55E519E 3E84EE2E BD9FD3D2 DBF44ACE 3C5E889E 21F902A8 096F1ED8 B2FDE7EF 2106D059 44493612 A842054F 33D22E9E C0504C4C FBFD6CA4 1A95CF88 C4421186 9D79F93E C15BDB3B B1466C08 B479708C 4EFD35D9 A68FC31C 6C58C47A C653A4FF 1CD419A5 1881B741 A1BA342D 78B8CD1B 66D24BE4 D9A9CF3C F6C1932F 4BB05030 966258A8 D303B061 598FBE52 6B164086 AF30A336 DC401759 A974922E 479E8E8C 865EC9FF 8D379AFC 3C83B2AD F0607427 1011540B 00000000 D2000000 00000000


Girantina holding platinum orb change if names and mater balls

This will give you what the title says and maybe more I can't remember. This is pokesav generated and not tested yet for obvious reasons.
94000130 FCFF0000 B2101140 00000000 1000008C 0000FFFF 1000008E 0000FFFF E000007C 00000010 0153014E FFFF0149 00000000 00000000 E00027FC 00000010 00E200E2 00E200E2 00E200E2 FFFF00E2 E0000D00 0000003C 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC 00000001 E8400000 EE642941 69879B1B 899EBC0B 7189FEA9 940F67A5 C4C18F24 BEEC53F4 3ED23885 8CE8E6C9 E83B393D D2F06157 75193770 77992BC3 25850E92 5348FFB2 AB43CFB6 0D91FA8A AFC23131 541E3A32 897821E6 05E09FEC 960DF36D AC453082 EDF54E1A 70033F51 F8FFC0A6 2FE46175 5C0A4B8E 80883B0A 0FA9DAE2 C0C488A4 99C83146 AC2141C6 1F40D2DE B6087914 37314A6E DEEC0CBF 92F95736 223B7937 2B1BA63E 7DBEC167 006E4E6B C32A2FD8 FD182D54 1445EF82 D793BB96 8BD4CE98 A85758D7 EC74D431 26D85409 68A98C29 C1B333EB D8372D49 062303D5 EEB0FDA5 0AB9A8B3 474E9945 00000000 D2000000 00000000


Team Ace

94000130 FCFF0000
B2101140 00000000
E00000B4 000000EC
06E65DDB E53C0000
FB58CE40 CA02E955
A5C10D4F 678BC36A
53636A45 80E16B83
26615531 63790435
08F2A5FE CB644F62
4178FB21 BE799FB1
4BF169A6 DD88495F
7933DB0E AEA31264
F05593CB 12BC03E8
0D3C10A0 50795876
441BC20C FF808F81
6A752D89 C08B6554
AD065311 BC61B41F
0B6F0D88 12F98A92
EF5752DB 1917A8E8
87C147A1 540AF88F
428E2C1E EC05FF25
FEDC65A2 885008D3
81D56B80 E0BA25A9
697110FC 5CEE21BE
0DE7F40C 550ADB9B
06601463 C7719CD9
44EDD6AA 97E05908
CD843604 00000000
E00001A0 000000EC
9DB927F7 F5B00000
576200DC 0D60FFDB
6A7AE746 A5EC6FE1
46D8B77A 6B152744
19766C13 EC68DC2A
81E8D657 D69B2CFA
0979C3D4 49DD575A
750A4573 AE5EDB65
09DE0127 E6770477
A40187DE 6D28093B
68D98F4E CCE42A8E
3A01A024 ABC8A94E
598D1147 AEB6172E
C4F9898B 624AF3BD
768F2C92 3F4B02BA
74C8320D 16C2D32A
248F14AD 3EE49E44
4B0D58E2 A0E976F1
B712901A A2E10BB0
3D289152 5402F8E6
D629BC2A 73B4CB49
FA9596D3 92442BC7
397AF29C 59F81061
399D2172 55621754
99F3FFAA C6F97079
6556D5FE 65E4F8ED
0D7457D5 14196CF4
210A41C7 00000000
E000028C 000000EC
63C84EFB 777C0000
C6D10B3E 81E70210
EE7FBA25 380CAF31
0F2309AE 8EF89BC8
23413BF3 30A2028A
CD111F99 E0396CBF
175A05B1 2275FF53
F3DAFC0F F46C9388
B5FEB009 F303E6DA
5D205795 988BD61C
E68180BC 699199FC
2AA52CA0 42360907
871E9428 17347755
0AC0763E E939D82C
864D79AE B1061056
EC75F47D 7B97B85B
024B18FF 1387BC8B
86FF557C 64AA09C4
C5A6C1AA E406E660
8FF7200E C85A039F
46AD060A 2834799E
F1CB4C00 10D3D94B
6CDF33EF 5C37966F
70635C65 855F627C
952D9942 DADAFCF5
1B2C94C1 469DA60C
67507CB8 BF17178C
6CCA401E B58227F8
757520CD 00000000
E0000378 000000EC
B043B045 8E460000
5345FAC2 E1F3337F
09CB60BD 524BA967
F2A1F113 ED805D7E
153413EC 85C2846C
4B722B18 923EEF0A
0C2A0100 ACA14497
B82A5444 BB225700
3BA1CB6C C9056448
56EEDA64 BE267351
3703F116 751983C5
47BB64B2 2F3705C6
702D58A1 8C9FC1B5
A00BA753 38E0EC09
C2F586E5 C3533914
AE43CB37 0D5D59E0
D1BC145D 3E86F7AF
C10055A4 669DE40B
2B49B8CB 8605D58A
EE3A8243 626AEBB4
43551FD3 61CB32A6
BAC42031 5C70745A
9E31808E 6E7D2299
626D96BD 00000000
E0000464 000000EC
75B714FD AFFA0000
23D7CA77 14E5C13B
680EF8F4 100FF0FD
2A7F7950 4AB4A5D6
8443E643 45279162
04AED6F2 2E630366
25D36F35 3FCBDB59
9848FAB6 882D2D92
C85337FC 7E3E306A
86CC9B53 020B0451
C5F7E43A 045199C4
26846655 3A6973EF
8DBE1702 46F809A6
C0F1AAB4 013D92A7
56506007 8B68BFB1
A6530209 7D274B76
AA394A1C 0D6F845D
157F8F5A E9A155DD
8D8BF0C9 F4B33CC8
BAD85656 FB28ED9B
547E05B4 E085BF4C
8CC854C7 2FFDFE46
B3031E45 046E6BB1
1E98DC9A 7B906CF6
B75C8F0C 286BAF81
AF27CD1F 00000000
E0000550 000000EC
6F98AEF3 859B0000
3C2AD8A5 AFA3719C
A2F911A0 8A1D4B54
8D886D93 99CDCBB8
A170A0E9 1EDD6417
44211EF2 6ADBE2F0
D83CEC7B 3F8743E9
97C98FA3 9AEE60BB
035A0B39 52B7BDEC
32C198BC 11F90C7F
50C24E66 859C7358
48A4EB9D E00E6CB9
5EBD540F ECB98F51
67FC8FB5 59F16079
4E992B5D 02E41777
F7BF99B9 62CBF232
7AFA9943 6352A049
64220C42 5CDB46E2
269FB2AE 1D5E6A1C
0348CE70 53FBD103
829A74EC 9D643400
8FEE71E9 B910C181
E4C080D4 A76EAA76
E7A53F0A E3F56837
867BFE56 2C797CA4
7FE13BB8 69C0108D
CFE9BE68 8D551454
340CA319 00000000
D2000000 00000000

The Pokemon on this team are drapion,garchomp,salamence,aggron,metagross, and dragonite


Thursday, March 19, 2009

CBS Sports NCAA March Madness On Demand Software Download

Are you an NCAA fanatic? Well if you do, I got good news. CBS sports is offering NCAA March Madness on Demand(MMOD) an iPhone app streaming every game of the NCAA tournament. It will only cost you $5 to watch your favorite NCAA game. CBS sports will be streaming first round up to the championship game live. This includes the NCAA Sweet 16, Elite 8, NCAA Final Four and National Championship, all on the iPhone and iPod Touch. . If you do not have a wi-fi connection to watch the games, you can listen to CBS Sports' live audio-only broadcast on your 3G or Edge connection.

Download the application here:
CBS Sports NCAA March Madness On Demand 1.0

Related Searches:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Apple provides sneak preview of iPhone OS 3.0 Software next week

Apple announced plans for a sneak preview of the next-generation iPhone operating system dubbed iPhone 3.0.

The iPhone OS 3.0 software sneak preview will take place at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time on Tuesday March 17th in the intimate setting of the Apple Town Hall -- the same venue used to introduce the company's new unibody MacBooks last fall and the original iPhone Software Developers Kit (SDK) last March.

iPhone 2.0

Last year, Apple staged a similar event to unveil its plans for iPhone 2.0, which was known in advance to include a new Software Development Kit for developers, but also added surprise Enterprise features, including support for push messaging and remote wipe using Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync as well as support for WPA2 and 802.1X wireless authentication protocols and Cisco IPsec Virtual Private Networking for secure remote access.

When the iPhone 2.0 software was actually released in July, Apple also included support for its own push services as part of the .Mac rebranding of MobileMe, added extensive language support for global sales, and added geotagging to its camera application. Seven software updates have been released in the months since then.

What to expect in iPhone 3.0

At last year's WWDC, Apple announced plans to provide a Push Notification Server for third party apps, allowing developers to send updates to their users' phones through central servers operated by Apple. The new system was intended in part to account for the fact that third party apps are not allowed to operate in the background; the notification system would allow the apps to alert the user of new messages or outside changes without actually listening for them itself, a task that would be handled by the iPhone system software instead.

The Push Notification Server was expected in September but never arrived; support was included in a developer beta before being later pulled, making it a obvious candidate for inclusion in iPhone 3.0. Parallel efforts to add push messaging in the forthcoming Snow Leopard Server may have been part of the reason for the delay.

Apple also released updates for Core Location to support determining the cardinal direction and velocity of an iPhone 3G using GPS, features required for providing turn by turn driving directions. Apple may leave that area to third party developers, or could enhance directions within Maps to support turn by turn features itself. A year ago, Apple filed a patent for the concept of server generated direction and map packages called podmaps.

Apple has already added traffic overlays and transit and walking directions to Maps based on Google's service, as well as Street View, a feature Google first debuted in showing off the mapping capabilities of its Android platform.

iPhone 3.0 wish list

A variety of other features may also make it into iPhone 3.0, including support for advanced Bluetooth profiles outside of the basic hands free and mono headset. Existing iPhones have high speed Bluetooth hardware capable of supporting A2DP stereo headsets, a software feature Apple has already delivered for desktop users in Mac OS X Leopard. Other Bluetooth profiles could enable iPhone users to quickly beam files to each other (such as address book vCards) or support the use of Apple's own Nike+ (were it to supply a Bluetooth version) or the company's wireless keyboard, which could turn the smartphone into a basic netbook replacement for business travelers.

Apple could also add support for a Dashboard-like layer of user-creatable widgets built using its existing DashCode app from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling users without Cocoa programming skills to build or install widget apps that could all run together without the launching delay of a full blown iPhone app. This would also take the wind out of the sails of the Palm Pre's new webOS, which is designed to 'multitask' multiple simple widget at once rather than running heavy duty applications. The ability to run self contained web applications, if only just within the phone's Safari, is also a distinct possibility, given the existing support in the desktop flavor of Safari and the iPhone's existing support for HTML 5 features.

Other features Apple has already alluded to or depicted in its patent filings include a global information page that shows updates such as incoming messages and alert updates on the wake screen for quick reference; global search features; a copy and paste mechanism; support for mobile syncing of playlists and file information from a home computer's iTunes library and then only downloading specific songs when requested; improved push features, including support for syncing tasks and notes; and "Back to My Mac" support for accessing remote files.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Apple introduced a New iPod shuffle that features VoiceOver

Apple has introduced a new iPod shuffle. It’s a completely new design, smaller than ever, with more storage and all-new speech technology. The new iPod shuffle, billed as 'the first music player that talks to you' features a VoiceOver interface that announces artists, songs and playlists on demand.

The new iPod shuffle now supports multiple playlists, which would have been difficult to manage without some sort of UI for controlling which one is playing.

The new shuffle expands to 4 GB of storage and can hold 1,000 songs.But in the course of shrinking the overall size of the microscopic MP3 maven down to 1.8" high, 0.7" wide and 0.3" deep (45mm x 17mm x 7.8mm), the player controls were moved onto the headphone cord. This may not sit well with buyers who prefer other earbuds.

The new iPod shuffle also works with Apple’s latest headphones, complete with volume keys, while the remote button uses double clicks to skip ahead a track, tripple clicks to skip backwards, and single clicks to play and pause the music. Holding the button down kicks VoiceOver into action.

The shuffle is available in black and silver and is shipping in 3-5 days.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Samsung WEP210 Bluetooth Headset

The Samsung WEP210 Bluetooth Wireless Headsetis an ultra-light micro size Bluetooth Headset which weighs only 9 grams, some of the main features include the likes of air-gap type earpiece cover which gives you true comfort, plus compliant with Bluetooth 1.1 and higher also compliant with Hands-Free Profiles. Other features include: Includes a multi-function button for redialing, activating voice dial, rejecting calls, or any other special functions your cell phone may have, plus a range of up to 30 feet. Up to 5.5 hours of talk time and up to 70 hours of standby time also.

The Samsung WEP210 Bluetooth Wireless Headsetis compatible with any Bluetooth enabled cell phone and supports HF and HSP.

  • Bluetooth v 2.0
  • Includes charging case
  • 8.5 oz
  • two different sized earhooks
  • 1yr warranty

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Verizon LG Versa Cell Phone

The Verizon LG Versa VX9600 cell phone was like a Voyager but a lot smaller. It has a leather casing that adds an extra touch of class to it that was a nice change.

The Verizon LG Versa VX9600 cell phone features a 3-inch touchscreen display and 2-megapixel autofocus camera with flash. The LG Versa also comes with EV-DO Rev. A connectivity, Bluetooth 2.1 with EDR support, 2.5mm headphone jack, ambient light and proximity sensor, and microSD card support of up to 16G in capacity. The LG Versa also comes with a detachable QWERTY keyboard if the virtual onscreen one isn’t up to par. It’s a nice added accessory you wouldn’t normally find in a typical touchscreen phone though it would have been more enticing if it came with WiFi connectivity.

Get an LG VX9600 Versa Touch Screen Cell Phone, Black (Verizon Wireless) CDMA Only. - No Contract Required.

Verizon LG Versa Features:

- Detachable QWERTY Keypad
- 2.0 Megapixel Camera with Auto Focus, Flash & Picture/Video Editing
- HTML Web Browser
- Bluetooth® Stereo Support for Listening to Music*
- microSD™ Removable Memory
- Hearing Aid Compatibility = M4/T4
- V CAST Music with Rhapsody® (subscription, wireless and PC downloads)
- V CAST Videos
- TTY Compatible
- Meets FCC SAR limit. Manufacturer’s highest FCC reported SAR 1.38 W/kg at ear, 0.764 W/kg on body. Actual SAR may vary.
- For more information on Radio Frequency Emissions, see About Us — Wireless Issues.

Verizon LG Versa Specifications:

- Frequency: 1.9 GHz CDMA PCS, 800 MHz CDMA
- Data Transmission: EV–DO Rev. A
- Dimensions: 4.17″ (H) x 2.07″ (W) x 0.54″ (D)
- Weight: 3.81 oz.
- Hearing Aid Compatibility = M4/T4
- Meets FCC SAR limit. Manufacturer’s highest FCC reported SAR 1.38 W/kg at ear, 0.764 W/kg on body
- LCD: 262K Color TFT, 480×240 Pixels, 3.0″
- External LCD: Monochrome OLED, 56×120 Pixels, 0.94″ (only available on the QWERTY keypad attachment)
- Handset Usage Time: Up to 290 Minutes OR
- Handset Standby Time: Up to 430 Hours
- 2.5mm Headset Jack Capable

Get an LG VX9600 Versa Touch Screen Cell Phone, Black (Verizon Wireless) CDMA Only. - No Contract Required.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

winbook digital 2.4 lcd display hd video camcorder

Are you planning to buy a camcorder? Do you want to give yourself or your love ones a cool digital gift? Well, I have good news for you. Presenting the WinBook WB-8321 Digital Video Camcorder.

WinBook WB-8321 features: HD Digital Video Camcorder, Digital Still Camera, Voice Recorder, MP3 Player, Card Reader, WebCam, 720p H.264 Video, HDMi Digital AV output, Motion Detection, Night Mode, & Video Stabilization

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Xbox Live Update

Microsoft has eliminated the bugs causing sound issues through a HDMI cable on 360, and will be releasing a mandatory update today.

As of 10am today, logging into Xbox Live will prompt you to update your 360 dashboard, which "addresses the issue that a few folks were having with audio and their HDMI connection" since NXE was released, according to Major Nelson.

Something you might like:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Guaranteed Easy iPhone Unlock Solution

You can now FULLY UNLOCK YOUR IPHONE CLASSIC AND 3G to use any cellphone carrier and third party applications!

Fully step-by-step guide with loads of images! Simple as 1, 2, 3!

Everything is done in 3 simple steps:
1. Connect iPhone to computer
2. Run the software
3. Enjoy your newly unlocked iPhone

This awesome solution is available to either Mac or Windows! There's nothing simpler than following a step-by-step guide, and selecting your preferences on the software.

Don't worry about your computer or your iTunes version. It will be done! - It's EASY you don't even have to move from your chair, you can't fail : your iPhone will be totally UNLOCKED!

Not only we are giving you Unlocking iPhone software and a very detailed guide, but you are also getting numerous stuff on this package. Such as:

+6400 Free iPhone Wallpapers
+6500 Free iPhone Ringtones
+35 Free iPhone Themes

Unlock your iPhone Now!

Resident Evil 5 for Xbox 360 Owners First

A date for the Resident Evil 5 demo has finally announced by Capcom, although PlayStation 3 owners may be a bit disappointed to learn that it's scheduled for an "exclusive premiere" on the Xbox 360.

Xbox 360 owners will be able to download a two-level playable demo of Resident Evil 5 with three separate co-op options (player and CPU, two players local and two players over Xbox Live) beginning January 26.

Capcom's official press release also promises a "new exclusive high-definition trailer of the game" for Xbox 360 owners beginning January 16. "New" seems to be a relative term however, as this trailer was previously seen at 2008's Tokyo Game Show.

Unsurprisingly, the Xbox-centric press release makes no mention of a PlayStation 3 demo, but most likely PS3 gamers will get their demo once the exclusive week is over.

It sounds like a good news for Xbox 360 owners!


Microsoft's Xbox 360 console outsells PS3. Microsoft's Xbox 360 console has sold 8 million more than the Sony Playstation 3. Microsoft's Xbox 360 console has sold over 28 million units worldwide.

Microsoft figures shows, the Xbox 360 is ahead of the Playstation 3 by one million units in Europe and by 7 million in the US.

Though, both consoles are being outsold by the Nintendo Wii, which sold 3 million units in the UK and 10.17 million in the US last year.

Microsoft is keen to point out that it's leading in the total lifetime spending figures for each console. A total of US$13.2 billion has been spent on the Xbox 360 since it was launched, compared to US$10.8 billion on the Wii and US$6.1 billion on the PS3.

"Our goal for 2008 was to reach new audiences by bringing ground-breaking games and entertainment to Xbox 360," said senior vice president of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business Don Mattrick.

"Looking forward, new waves of innovation will extend our position as the global leader in interactive entertainment".

Monday, January 12, 2009

kodak easyshare 8.1mp digital camera with 12x optical zoom

Kodak Easyshare 8.1MP Digital Camera with 12x Optical Zoom is our gadget for today. The new Kodak Digital Camera is all over the internet. The Kodak Easyshare 8.1MP Digital Camera with 12x Optical Zoom is simply amazing.Whether you're zooming in on fast action shots or taking a picture of your grand surroundings, the Z8612 IS is the camera that can handle it. And it's surprisingly simple to use.Capture the details in low light and fast action situations. The Z8612 IS features a powerful, high ISO.The Z8612 IS is part of the Kodak EasyShare System, so sharing your pictures is amazingly simple. Just press Share.Unpack the Z8612 IS and you're ready to shoot. It's that simple.

Product Description

Manufacturer Description

Powerful zoom, remarkable clarity. Whether you’re zooming in on fast action shots or taking a picture of your grand surroundings, the Z8612 IS is the camera that can handle it. And it’s surprisingly simple to use.

EasyShare Z8612IS Highlights

12x zoom with optical image stabilization The all-glass 12x Schneider-Kreuznach Variogon optical zoom lens (36-432mm) zooms in fast to deliver extraordinary creative performance, features fast f/2.8-f/4.8, and captures sharp, steady shots when shooting at long zoom ranges with optical image stabilization.

Amazing quality prints with 8.1 megapixels 8.1-megapixel resolution means you can make stunning prints up to 30 x 40 inches and, however you choose to print -- at home, at retail, or online -- trust Kodak for picture quality that’s truly exceptional and for memories that will last.

HD picture capture Capture beautiful HD pictures in 16:9 format, and view your pictures in high definition on an HDTV or other HD devices.

On-camera picture-enhancing features Capture consistently great shots by utilizing features such as on-camera cropping, capture gridline display, and histogram. Get exceptional results using Smart Scene mode, Kodak Perfect Touch technology, High ISO, and others.

2.5-inch LCD color display View pictures with brilliance and clarity on the indoor/outdoor, 2.5-inch color display. Whether you shoot your pictures vertically or horizontally, view them right-side-up with the orientation sensor.

Shoot video with ease Record continuous VGA video (640 x 480) at 15 fps with sound and on-camera editing -- video print options include 1, 4, 9 and 16-up prints, and you can even save single frames and e-mail to family and friends.

Exclusive Kodak Color Science Image Processing Chip The exclusive Kodak Color Science Chip provides vibrant, true-to-life colors in every picture. A new high-speed digital processor chip, advanced algorithms, and hardware acceleration features let the Z1285 make simultaneous, split-second decisions to produce rich, vibrant, true-to-life colors in almost any lighting situation. Every time you click the shutter, the Kodak Color Science Chip performs an instantaneous and advanced analysis of collected scene data to identify and adjust multiple factors that influence picture quality: scene light source is detected and adjustments are made to capture bright whites and true, vivid colors under difficult lighting conditions -- fluorescent, tungsten, or daylight. Scene content is analyzed for luminance, focal distance, subject matter orientation, and color to determine the correct exposure and capture the natural details, accurate flesh tones, and rich colors you see in your composition.

On-camera Share button
· Sharing starts right on the back of the camera.
· Have a picture you want to share? Tag it using the exclusive on-camera Share button and it will be ready to print or e-mail later.
· Use the Favorites feature to keep special pictures close without filling up your internal memory.

Kodak EasyShare Software (included) The simplest way to find, create, and share.
· The award-winning, elegant design makes your pictures the star of the show for a more enjoyable viewing experience
· English, French, and German photo card templates turn pictures into 4 x 6-inch (10 x 15 cm) announcements, invitations, holiday cards, and more, right at home
· Download new photo borders and photo cards for more creative choices
· Get more out of Kodak EasyShare Software with a variety of useful tips
· Use Kodak EasyShare Software to access your pictures at the Kodak EasyShare Gallery -- then view, edit, and save them to My Collection
· Automatically print better, brighter pictures, time after time, with Kodak Perfect Touch Technology and our award winning Kodak Printers and Printer Docks

Technical Details

· 8.0-megapixel resolution for stunning prints up to 30 x 40 inches
· 12x Schneider-Kreuznach Variogon optical image-stabilized zoom lens; HD still capture and HD video
· 2.5-inch indoor/outdoor color LCD; advanced settings including program, aperture and shutter priority, as well as full manual mode (PASM)
· Optical image stabilization reduces blur; High ISO (up to 3200) captures the details in low-light conditions and fast-action situations
· Compatible with SD/SDHC memory cards (not included)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

sony vaio p

The Sony Vaio P was announced today. The Sony Vaio P would be available from the SonyStyle site today but it’s not available for order yet.

The small machine has a widescreen 8-inch display and measures 24 centimeters wide by 11 centimeters deep by 2 centimeters thick giving it a widescreen-like form factor that, according to Sony, makes is possible to drop the PC into a jacket pocket or handbag.

The Sony Vaio P advantage of the wide form-factor is that the keyboard can be made slightly larger. The key pitch on the Vaio P is 16.5 millimeters, which is considerably more than on keyboards used on some of the small form-factor netbooks currently available.

"We did something a little bit different with this product," said Michael Abary, senior vice president of product marketing at Sony Electronics. "We thought about who this product would be for and targeted a customer before we conceived or designed this product. And that customer is fashion conscious, skews slightly more female and really is interested in how this product will make them look and feel rather than the speeds and feeds."

The Sony Vaio P computer is based on an Intel Z520 Atom processor and the screen has 1,600 pixel by 768 pixel resolution. It comes with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and U.S. models will feature a 3G wireless data modem. There's also GPS satellite positioning.

Instant-on is supported by a mode that will take users to Sony's Cross Media Bar, the navigation system employed in the PlayStation 3 and many Sony audio-visual products. Though this interface users can gain quick access to music, video and pictures without booting Windows.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Philips HTS6600/37 b

Product Description: Philips HTS6600/37
Philips 2.1 DVD Home Theater 1080I HDMI Dolby System with high performance surround sound with Ambisound. Featuring Ambisound, the HTS6600 delivers an embracing multi channel surround sound experience from just two speakers, in any sort of room. Providing excellent sound and picture quality the easy set up wall mountable system fits any home. Ambisound for full no fuss multichannel surround sound. 1080i for high definition video upconversion. Smart Surround optimizes surround setting automatically. DoubleBass for an extended , deep bass experience. Vertical speakers that can be wall mounted with your flat TV. Sophisticated design that matches any flat TV. Quick and easy set up for no fuss installation. Connect your iPod for audio and video playback. USB direct plays photos and music from USB flash drives. MP3 line in for music playback from portable media players.

Featuring Ambisound, the HTS6600 delivers an embracing multi-channel surround experience from just two speakers, in any sort of room. Providing excellent sound and picture quality, the easy-setup wall-mountable system fits into any home.

Key Features
System Type: Home theater system
Included Components: DVD player / AV receiver, Speaker system
Built in Decoders: Dolby Pro Logic II, Dolby Digital, DTS decoder

DVD Features
DVD Type: DVD player
DVD Media Supported: CD-R, CD-RW, SVCD, DVD-R, DVD+RW, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD, CD, Video CD
DVD Features: On-screen display, Progressive scanning, JPEG photo playback, Screen saver

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

hp mini 2140

Just when we thought HP had moved on, what with the Mini 1000 getting all the love these days, HP has returned to its original Mini-Note 2100 series of netbooks with the 2140.

The HP Mini 2140 supposedly aimed at businesses, the new netbook loses that sluggish VIA C7-M of its predecessors and replaces it with -- you guessed it -- a 1.6GHz Atom processor. There's also a 80GB or 160GB hard drive onboard and a 10-inch screen available in 1366 x 768 and 1024 x 567 resolutions, plus that lovable ExpressCard / 54 slot hasn't gone anywhere, but the machine remains otherwise mostly unchanged.

Prices start at $499 for the base model, and OS choices include XP Home / Pro, SuSe Linux, FreeDOS and Windows Vista Home Basic / Premium. The laptop is certainly a nice step up over the Mini 1000, but we sure could use a bit more power under the hood. You know, for business.

The HP Mini 2140 is an update to last year's HP Mini-Note 2133 and features an attractive, durable all-aluminum chassis. Starting at 2.6 pounds, the new Mini 2140 features the 1.6GHz Intel Atom processor, a range of hard drive or solid-state drive storage options, as well as the following:

· A 10.1-inch diagonal LED display with 16:9 aspect ratio available in either standard-definition (1,024 x 576) or high-definition (1,366 x 768) resolutions.
· User-friendly 92 percent of full size keyboard (QWERTY) and touchpad coated in the "HP DuraKeys" finish that protects the finish and printed letters and characters. HP DuraKeys offers 50 times more resistance to visible wear than keyboards without it.
· HP 3D DriveGuard, featuring a three-axis digital accelerometer chip that sends a signal to shut down the hard drive upon sudden movement or shock.
· Ability to view video, still-image capture, web conferencing or video-enhanced instant messaging with no additional hardware to buy or carry. The integrated VGA webcam enables video and still-image capture to allow the addition of photos and video clips to presentations, documents and email.
· Two battery solutions: 3-cell for lightest-weight configurations or 6-cell lithium-ion battery for longer life.
· Optional Absolute Software’s Computrace, which allows IT professionals to work with local law enforcement to track and help recover stolen or missing computers, inventory computers district wide, and detect changes in hardware and software.
· Integrated Wi-Fi Certified WLAN and optional Bluetooth 2.0

New accessories designed for the Mini 2140 include an HP USB Docking Station, USB-powered HP Mobile Audio Speakers and HP USB optical disk drive that can read and write CD and DVD formats, as well as offer HP LightScribe capability to burn labels directly onto discs. A lightweight, functional messenger bag designed specifically for the HP or a neoprene slip case offer added protection for professionals while on the go.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Antivirus 2010

Antivirus 2010 signifies a new generation of rogue security tools from the same family as Antivirus 2008 and Antivirus 2009. Like its previous versions, Antivirus 2010 is advertised through the use of advertisements on the Web pretending to be online anti-malware scanners.

These advertisements pretend to scan your computer and then advices that your computer is infected and that you should download and install Antivirus 2010 to remove these infections. These rogues are also known to be advertised and installed through Trojans that display fake security alerts in your Windows taskbar stating you are infected. Once you click on one of these alerts, it will bring you to the download page for Antivirus 2010, or even download and install it without your permission.

After Antivirus 2010 is installed on your computer, it will be automatically configured to run when you logon to Windows. This is done by adding a startup that launches the C:\Windows\System32\wingamma.exe executable. This executable will then launch the AV2010.exe and the fake Windows Security Center. Once running, it will scan your computer and list a variety of infections that cannot be removed unless you first purchase the software. This infection will also randomly display fake security alerts on your computer stating that you are infected or have some sort of security risk. If you click on these alerts, it will prompt you to purchase the software. These fake alerts, along with a fake Windows Security Center that advertises Antivirus 2010, are used to further scare you into thinking you are infected so you purchase the software.

Another new addition to these types of rogues is the creation of a fake Blue Screen of Death. At random intervals, Antivirus 2010 will create what appears to be a Windows crash, but in reality is just a fake screen. These fake crashes are used to further persuade you into purchasing the software. If you receive this crash, you can simply reboot your computer , or try pressing Alt-Tab or Control-Alt-Delete to get out of it. The text of the crash is:

***STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x0000000, 0xF73120AE, 0xC0000008, 0xC000000)
A spyware application has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart you [sic] computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Click to make sure your antivirus software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask you [sic] software manufacturer for any antivirus updates you might need.
Windows detected unregistered version of Antivirus 2010 protection on your computer. If problem continue, please activate your antivirus software to prevent computer damage and data loss.
*** SRV.sys - Address F73120AE base at C0000000, DateStamp 36b072a3

If your computer displays this message, do not trust it and do not pay for Antivirus 2010 malware.

Antivirus 2010 is not a security tool; it is dangerous computer parasite. Avoid downloading or buying this program.

If you have already installed it in your computer, here’s how to remove it.

Antivirus 2010 manual removal:
Kill processes:
AV2010.exe svchost.exe wingamma.exe

Delete registry values:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{FC8A493F-D236-4653-9A03-2BF4FD94F643}
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Windows Gamma Display"

Unregister DLLs:

Delete files:
Program Files\\AV2010\\AV2010.exe Program Files\\AV2010\\svchost.exe WINDOWS\\system32\\IEDefender.dll WINDOWS\\system32\\wingamma.exe

Delete directories:
c:\Program Files\AV2010
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\AV2010

Or you can use software programs to automatically remove it from your system.

Malwarebytes Anti Malware
Windows Defender